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Robin Sharma – What Makes a Great Leader
Interviewer: Robin Sharma has been named one of the top ten leadership gurus in the world. He’s counselled rock stars and royalty. And he joins us now.
So, you’ve actually helped many different individuals, whether they’re movers and shakers, titans of, uh, the corporate world, or just people who wanna change their lives. What, essentially, makes a leader?
Sharma: Well, uh, as we were talking [about] before we went on-air, in many ways it is that ‘feeling test,’ in the sense that we know a leader when we feel it. I mean, some leaders are very charismatic, uh, and some leaders are very quiet and humble. There’s been studies in the business world that’ve said the best leaders are actually leaders who are quite humble, they’re very low key, they would prefer to give the credit to their team, and yet when it comes to the growth of their organization, they have the fierce kind of passion to win. So leaders come in all forms, but I think in many ways what makes a great leader — I’d say “authenticity in this day and age.”
Interviewer: So, in politics, you often hear the term ‘royal jelly.’ That, uh, there’re people who have what it takes, and people who don’t. Are leaders born or bred?
Sharma: I think leadership can be trained. Um, I have a very simple philosophy on leadership: it’s lead without title. Um, but I think in many ways we don’t know how to lead. When we go through school, we have courses on geography and math, no one tells us the elements of leadership. And I think the best political leaders are people who understand what makes a leader. And in many ways it is authenticity. In many ways it’s courage, because leadership is not a popularity contest in some way, it’s about doing what’s right rather than what’s easy. I think leadership is also about, um, innovation and dreaming, and the things that we think are soft but are so essential to building a great country.
Interviewer: You know, when you talk about all of that, uh, if you’re going to be a leader and take charge and make change, you have to take charge of your own life. Like, I guess leadership… to aspire to be a leader… it comes from within. And I gather when you often make your presentations, you say “Hey, I am case-in-point.” You changed your life to help people change their lives. Tell me a bit about your personal journey.
Sharma: Well, I used to be a litigation lawyer. Um. I did it for many of the wrong reasons. You know, all too often we follow the crowd rather than showing leadership. And leadership, in so many ways, is about detecting your own values and living life on your own terms. And, long story short, Nancy, I was unhappy. I pulled back from the noise of our noisy world. I spent about a year and a half in a lot of, uh, contemplation while I was still working as a lawyer, reading a lot of books, interviewing elders, and I made some profound changes in my life which led me down a different path. And I think your point, though, is very important. And it’s a value we’ve lost in this world. Which is, we think in many ways, leadership is who we do on the outside – that’s actually a function of who we are on the inside. So, great leadership begins with self leadership, knowing your values, knowing yourself, and being true to yourself when you’re out there in the world.
Interviewer: What else are the important traits?
Sharma: I have a cheesy little acronym. It’s “IMAGE.” And I don’t think leadership is about image. But the acronym is “IMAGE.” “I” stands for innovation and imagination. We need more dreamers in this world. We need more people who’re gonna say, “You know what, here’s what the big vision is, and here’s why you should follow me.” “M” – merchant of wow. We need excellence. You know? We need to raise our standards in every possible way, and get to the greatness of our country, as idealistic as that sounds. “A” – authenticity. We spoke about that. Transparency, being yourself. It’s not a popularity contest. Um. “G” – guts. So, being courageous. Making the tough calls, being tough when you need to be. And then “E” is really, um, about ethics and excellence. And again, excellence is so very important, because we live in a world – especially in business – where a lot of companies play at mediocrity, because excellence is scary. “Excellent” means you do have to step out of the tribe. You have to be a little different, and have high standards.
Interviewer: Wow. That’s inspiring. Robin, great to talk to you. Thanks for sharing your observations with us.
Sharma: Pleasure to meet you, Nancy, thank you.
Tony Robbins – Becoming the Leader
Robbins: Yes?
Man in White: One of the things I wanted to ask you, like on the first day is you said, like, to my friend over here, “You gotta lead your people. You gotta learn enough about the job that ya hate, and then lead them.” And what I wanted to ask you was, well, being sort of on the front lines of things, how d’ya actually… or what’re your ideas on leadership? And you gave some examples today. Like, for example, you sorta come up with the plan, and then you ask the questions. So that’s one strategy.
Robbins: That’s only one part, yes.
Man in White: I was wondering if you could share, maybe, uh, two or three more.
Robbins: Sure, I’d be happy to. My number one belief about leadership is: you’re a servant. Here’s what I mean, specifically. The word “hero.” Hero. That is the archetype of like men and you and I… I bet… is it true that inside of you, you want… you really want to be the best, you wanna create the best, share the best, do the best… is that a metaphor for you in your life?
Man in White: Absolutely.
Robbins: Yeah, me too. So, I think people in this room tend to have that as their metaphor. So, all of us, at some level, man or woman, wants to be a hero. The word “hero,” in its Latin root, means “cervo.” “Cervo” means “servant.” It actually means “slave.” The hero – why they’re the hero – has become the ultimate servant of something larger than themself. People, and so forth. The person who thinks they’re gonna lead by demand, or by position, can only lead for a short period of time. But the person whose idea of serving is my belief is if you can find a way to take any group of people and help them to experience their needs at a richer, deeper level than anyone else, then together you guys can get anything done. Anything.
Now, it may not work the first time, but together you can get to that point. ‘Cause needs are ultimately what we’re after. We’re not after the vehicle we think we’re after. You want a billion dollars, then you get it? I got plenty of clients, and I will tell you, it is not the end-game. And so then they go off to their second billion. Or you think it’s getting married. And then you get it, and you find out it’s not the end-game. There’s certain needs that have to be there. And the ultimate needs are growing and giving. ‘Cause you can only feel so good, feel[ing] that by yourself.
So my core belief is I gotta serve. If I serve, I can lead. Because I believe motive does matter. If my motive is just to get you to do something for me, there’s a certain amount of power that I can get you to do that – if I strategize, if I think, if I feel – and also if it serves a greater good, even if I don’t intend it. If the bumblebee goes to try to get the nectar it wants – its selfish goal – I believe there’s a higher power that guides it all. And when that bumblebee goes, it doesn’t intend to give anything, but pollen sticks to its legs. And as it goes about trying to get what it wants, that’s how flowers are created.
I really believe that everything has a web of connection. If your intent is to serve yourself, you’re still gonna serve something more than yourself, and you’re gonna get a certain amount of insight. If your intent and your motive is to serve something – yourself – but also something more – just your kids – you know, I believe you get a different level of insight. And because it’s serving more of what serves life. It’s not just me. It’s me and my family. If you’re tryin’ to serve a community, I believe you get a different level of insight. If you’re tryin’ to serve humanity, you get a different level of insight. I got an emotional thing about this, because this is why I [fucking] do what I do.
So when someone stands up, it’s not about business, it’s not about anything but about serving them. So I will use abrasive or creative language, I’ll use whatever it takes – humor, stupidity, I’ll make fun of myself, I’ll challenge, I’ll do anything to serve – that’s why I’m here. I don’t need to do this [shit] anymore, but I love to see someone free and alive and lit up. So, when that’s your motive, no matter how people perceive you on the outside, if they’re around you long enough, you can’t hide what your real motive is. And they’ll see it, and they’ll feel it.
Motive does matter. If it’s to serve something higher, it’ll be there. That doesn’t mean you don’t get served, too. And in business, you gotta be served, or… I used to do business, and I’d lose money in the business and everybody else was happy. And it was wonderful except I had no business. So it’s, you know, killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. So I’ve learned to put that balance in. But that gives me [fucking] power. That’s why time disappears for me: ’cause I’m not about getting some action done, I’m about the outcome. Question?
Man in White: You know we, we uh, we talked about, you know, the economy being real rough going forward. But you’ve given so much of yourself, and I can see it, and the passion behind these people about teaching these really important business principles, that I’m confident that it’s going to be a lot shorter to come out of this recession.
Robbins: Thank you so much. Give him a hand!
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